How did ancient bead stringers keep their bead strands aligned?
How did ancient bead stringers align strands of beads? With spacer plates made of carved bone or pure gold. In this article, beadwork historian Valerie Hector shows an example of spacer plate stringing in a man’s beaded girdle dating to ca. 4000 BC in ancient Egypt - a girdle now housed in the British Museum.

Quantum Leaps in the Field of Beadwork since ca. 30,000 BCE
Valerie begins a series of posts devoted to major advances in the field of beadwork that she thinks of as “quantum leaps” or game-changing advances. Quantum Leap #1 might well be the development of bead embroidery. The earliest surviving evidence - from ca. 26,000 BC - was found at an archaeological site in Sungir, a town not far from Moscow. Beading historian Valerie Hector discusses this amazing find.